Sunday, 11 April 2010

The shrine scene

As a group we decided that the shrine scene should be the opening sequence as it quickly establishes Robyn as the main character and also as the victim of the film.

I got the inspiration for the shrine from other psychological thrillers, such as "enduring love" in which the protaganist stumbles upon the stalkers shrine and realises he is the victim all along.

To create it we will take a camera and go walking around Wrexham taking various pictures of Robyn in very candid poses and from behind fences and doors to make it look as if a real stalker had taken the photos. We will then cut them up and arrange them onto a black piece of card, as if a real shrine and hang it up above some candles to create an eerie atmoshpere around it. The flicker of the candlelight should add real depth to the scene.

During the editing we will try include a fast editing pace to disorientent the audience to establish that the shrine is out of the ordinary and that the film is going to shock. Over the top of this we intend to add very eerie music to create an even more tense atmosphere which furthered the audience into fearing for the life of Robyn (the girl in the pictures on the shrine)

(Shrine used by stalker in an episode of skins)

Examples of shrines in thrillers:

* The perfect stranger (2007) - Rowenna finds a shrine in Mile's apartment.
* One hour photo (2002) - Sy has a wall with over 600 photos of the family he is stalking.
* Conspiracy Theory (1997) - Protaganist makes one of the female lead
* Being John Malkovich (1999) - Lotte finds a room dedicated to Malkovich
* Proof (2005) - Celia creates one over her obession of a blind man


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