Sunday, 11 April 2010


We decided a newsflash would be the easiest way to get information across to the audience about the stalker escaping from prison. We found a willing actress from our class (susie) and proceeded to film it in the tv studio. We got susie to wear formal clothes and glasses as costume so that she looked like a real newsreader. We set up a desk with a keyboard and papers for her to sit down at, and filmed all this infront of a greenscreen so that we could edit the news behind her.
We also filmed a sequence of sam and a robyn watching the news on a television, so it was like they were recieving this information at the same time the audience is.

During editing we will add a news studio in the background behind susie to make it more authentic, and a helpline to call if anybody comes into contact with the stalker.

Thanks to Susie for helping, as she was a great actress and remembered all the lines :)

Here is a screen-grab of the finished newsflash

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